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questions submitted by health providers.

Jul 25, 20234 min read
4th generation progestins and thrombosis.
Question: What is the recent literature on 4th generation progestins . In my facility my medical director had been advising that if our...

Jul 25, 20234 min read
Should I prescibe COCs to patients with an aneurysm or high blood pressure?
Question: A patient came with h/o cerebral aneurysm (stable) and h/o pre-eclampsia years ago. She wanted a RF on her coc's but I was not...

Feb 24, 20233 min read
Can I be reasonably certain this patient is not pregnant and place a LNG-IUD?
Question: Client presents to clinic for LNG IUD. Client has used condoms 100% in the last two weeks and has a negative urine pregnancy...

Oct 20, 20223 min read
What's the scoop with Phexxi?
Question: I am a Nurse Practitioner at Student Health. One of our physicians sent an article about Phexxi, a contraceptive option to use...

Sep 28, 20222 min read
Hair Loss with Nexplanon
Question: “I have a patient that is complaining of hair loss after having Nexplanon placed. Is that common and if so, is there any...

Jul 21, 20222 min read
Are there new contraceptive management guidelines for states that have abortion bans/restrictions?
Question: Have any of the leaders in this field set forth any guidance re: providing care in restrictive states that could be deemed...

Jun 10, 20223 min read
Malpositioned IUD after post-placental insertion
Question: "D" had a Mirena IUD placed at the time of Cesarean section. At her 6-week visit, the strings could not be visualized; so, her...

May 30, 20224 min read
The withdrawal method before QuickStart of an IUD or implant
Is the withdrawal method considered a reliable method if used consistently and correctly?

May 22, 20223 min read
How common is delayed menses after taking Plan B?
Question: “I recently saw a 26 yr old female whose LMP was 3/13/22, she had unprotected sex 3/27/22 and took Plan B 3/28/22, experienced...

Mar 9, 20223 min read
How long is the Copper IUD effective for? 10 or 12 years?
"I have a patient that had a copper IUD placed and was advised that it was effective for 12 years instead of 10 years..."

Feb 22, 20222 min read
Is there a downside to taking additional progestin when on birth control pills?
Recently I saw a 44 yr. old new patient who is on combined oral contraceptives and also on norethindrone day 10 to 21 of her cycle...

Jan 28, 20223 min read
Is significant weight gain a reason to stop DMPA (Depo)?
"Is there a specific amount of weight gain in a client that would be unacceptable to continuing DMPA if that is her method of choice? We hav
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